Marcelina Martin Photography
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Developing Your Personal Style

Application for Class

This is the application form for online photography class "Developing Your Own Style" by Marcelina Martin. To help me get an understanding of your photography background, future goals and class needs, please complete and submit the online form below. You may also print the form and mail it to me with examples of your work. Please be as detailed as possible so that I can assess your needs and goal carefully. Some of these questions may not seem pertinent to the class. All information weaves an image of who we are, what we know and where we want to go. If you are a beginner, do not be discouraged. Answer what you can. Everyone please tell me as much as you can about yourself, your aesthetics, and how art intersects with, reflects, touches the rest of your life.
Series of four classes is $480.00.

Background Information

First Name 
Last Name 
Zip Code 

Instant Message Handle
Email Address 

Photography Experience

Do you have formal training in photography?
Yes    No
If so, where, when, and with whom  have you studied?
  What Formats have you used?

35mm        2 1/4       4x5 

8x10        Digital       Pinhole

Panoramic          Throwaway        Diana  

Cameras familiar with:

Camera(s) using for class:

Do you have darkroom experience?
Yes    No   

Black & White
Other Techniques: 
Polaroid Transfers
Piezotypes/Digital Printing
What other art forms do you have experience with?

Class Information

What are you trying to achieve in this class? (multiple selections permitted):
Prepare for Exhibition
Match technical expertise with coherent vision
Commercial Goals
Increasing my awareness     
Learn Composition
  Discover New Ideas
Develop my strengths 
Broaden  Education            
Find Direction 
Create Personal Journal        
Enhance Personal Expression
Create Artist Site
Refine my vision/ideas/sensibilities
Just have fun   Get started with a new hobby

Web Site
Do you currently have a website?
Yes    No
If so - what is the address (URL)?

Class Times Desired
Please specify general dates for your Class:
Start by         Day / Month / Year:
 Finish by           Day / Month / Year:
A portfolio of six (no more than 12) images are required . The portfolio can be slides, B&W Prints,  Color Prints, Xeroxes, or electronic files submitted online or snail mailed. Prints should be between 3X5 to 8X10. Electronic files can be no larger than 4MB. Zip the large files. If you want the prints returned, enclose a self stamped envelope. Be sure your name and  address are clearly written on each image.
  I am sending in an e-mail attachment.I am snail mailing  
Expect my portfolio by:
Please describe your present relationship to photography in detail. Such description can include  techniques, photographers you admire or aspire to, aesthetics, reason you photograph or love art, imagery and symbols, etc. This can be as broad and inclusive or as narrow and precise as you like. Be sure to discuss the concepts that are primary to your work. I want to get a clear idea of what photography means to you and how you want to use it.
 Finally include one image that really touches you deeply. You may tell me anything you wish about it. The image can be anything; a photograph, a magazine image, a painting,  whatever medium, but an image that you find compelling.


San Francisco Bay Area